Development workstation with Multipass on Windows 10


Windows PowerShell console as Administrator

Right click Windows PowerShell and select Run as Administrator, enter your Admin credentials. From the Administrator: Windows PowerShell console perform the following.

PS C:\> notepad.exe C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
PS C:\> Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V-All -Online

FeatureName      : Microsoft-Hyper-V-All
DisplayName      : Hyper-V
Description      : Provides services and management tools for creating and running virtual machines and their
RestartRequired  : Possible
State            : Enabled
CustomProperties :

If this is not the case!

PS C:\> Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V -All

Download, install and setup Multipass

From the Multipass website, verify that your Windows 10 workstation meets the minimum requirements and then download the Windows installation file.

  1. Select Start button and then select Settings.
  2. In Settings, select System > About or type about in the search box.
  3. Under Windows specifications verify Edition and Version

Follow the installation instructions from the Multipass site selecting the preferred Hypervisor.

NB: The Environment variable that configure the search PATH to find the Multipass binaries will not be available until you logout and log back in.

Edit the workstations local DNS lookup/override file

This is required to direct your workstations browser and other clients to the development VM which runs your CTP and/or XNAT service.

For each service requiring a DNS entry you will need to add an entry into your hosts file. From your Notepad application opened as an Administrator you will need to enter the following.


Get the IP address of your VM

PS C:\> multipass exec vm-name -- ip addr

So if your VM’s IP address is and your service FQDN is add the following entry into C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file and save.

Launch Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) with AIS development tools

NB: This may take some time

PS C:\Users\00078081\ais> Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile user-data-dev-microk8s.yaml
PS C:\Users\00078081\ais> multipass launch --cpus 4 --mem 2G -nais-dev --cloud-init .\user-data-dev-microk8s.yaml