NB: Ansible playbooks and/or roles may be helpful.


sudo snap install microk8s --classic
microk8s enable dns fluentd ingress metrics-server prometheus rbac registry storage

# Install and configure the kubectl client
sudo snap install kubectl --classic
# Start running more than one cluster and you will be glad you did these steps
microk8s config |sed 's/\(user\|name\): admin/\1: microk8s-admin/' >${HOME}/.kube/microk8s.config
# On Mac, use below to set up the admin user
# microk8s config |sed 's/\([user\|name]\): admin/\1: microk8s-admin/' >${HOME}/.kube/microk8s.config
cat >>${HOME}/.profile <<'EOT'
if [ -d "${DIR}" ]; then
  KUBECONFIG="$(/usr/bin/find $DIR \( -name 'config' -o -name '*.config' \) \( -type f -o -type l \) -print0 | tr '\0' ':')"
# logout or run the above code in your current shell to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable
kubectl config use-context microk8s

If you have an issue with the operation of microk8s microk8s inspect command is you best friend.

microk8s notes

To enable a Load Balancer microk8s comes with metalLB and configures Layer2 mode settings by default. You will be asked for an IPv4 block of addresses, ensure that the address block is in the same Layer 2 as your host, unused and reserved for this pupose (you may need to alter your DHCP service). When you are ready perform the following:

$ microk8s enable metallb