Logging With EFK
EFK centralized logging collecting and monitoring
For AIS deployment, we use EFK stack on Kubernetes for log aggregation, monitoring and anyalysis. EFK is a suite of 3 different tools combining Elasticsearch, Fluentd and Kibana.
Elasticsearch nodes form a cluster as the core. You can run single node Elasticsearch. However, a high availablity Elasticsearch cluster requires 3 master nodes as a minimum. If there is one node fails, the Elasticsearch cluster still functions and can self heal.
Kibana instance is used as the visualisation tool for users to interact with the Elasticsearch cluster.
Fluentd is used as the log collector.
In the following guide, we leverage Elastic and Fluentd’s official Helm charts before using Kustomize to customize other required K8s resources.
Creating a new namespace for EFK
$ kubectl create ns efk
Add official Helm repos
For both Elasticsearch and Kibana:
$ helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co
As of this writing, the latest helm repo supports Elasticsearch 7.17.3. It doesn’t work with the latest Elasticsearch v8.3 yet.
For Fluentd:
$ helm repo add fluent https://fluent.github.io/helm-charts
Install Elaticsearch
Adhere to the Elasticsearch security principles, all traffic between nodes in Elasticsearch cluster and traffic between the clients to the cluster needs to be encrypted. You use self signed certicate in this guide.
Generating self signed CA and certificates
- Below we use elasticsearch-certutil to generate password protected self signed CA and certificates, then use openssl tool to convert it to pem formatted certificate
$ docker rm -f elastic-helm-charts-certs || true
$ rm -f elastic-certificates.p12 elastic-certificate.pem elastic-certificate.crt elastic-stack-ca.p12 || true
$ docker run --name elastic-helm-charts-certs -i -w /tmp docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.16.3 \
/bin/sh -c " \
elasticsearch-certutil ca --out /tmp/elastic-stack-ca.p12 --pass 'Changeme' && \
elasticsearch-certutil cert --name security-master --dns security-master --ca /tmp/elastic-stack-ca.p12 --pass 'Changeme' --ca-pass 'Changeme' --out /tmp/elastic-certificates.p12" && \
docker cp elastic-helm-charts-certs:/tmp/elastic-stack-ca.p12 ./ && \
docker cp elastic-helm-charts-certs:/tmp/elastic-certificates.p12 ./ && \
docker rm -f elastic-helm-charts-certs && \
openssl pkcs12 -nodes -passin pass:'Changeme' -in elastic-certificates.p12 -out elastic-certificate.pem
openssl pkcs12 -nodes -passin pass:'Changeme' -in elastic-stack-ca.p12 -out elastic-ca-cert.pem
- Convert the generated CA and certificates to based64 encoded format. These will be used to create the secrets in K8s. Alternatively, you can use kubectl to create the secrets directly
$ base64 -i elastic-certificates.p12 -o elastic-certificates-base64
$ base64 -i elastic-stack-ca.p12 -o elastic-stack-ca-base64
- Generate base64 encoded format for passwords for keystore and truststore.
$ echo -n Changeme | base64 > store-password-base64
Create Helm custom values file elasticsearch.yml
- Creating 3 master nodes Elasticsearch cluster named “elasticsearch”.
clusterName: elasticsearch
replicas: 3
minimumMasterNodes: 2
- Specify the compute resources you allocate to Elasticsearch pod
cpu: "1000m"
memory: "2Gi"
cpu: "1000m"
memory: "2Gi"
- Specify the password for the default super user ’elastic'
enabled: false
password: Changeme
- Specify the protocol used for readniess probe. Use https for all traffic to the cluster on encypted link
protocol: https
- Disable the SSL certificate auto creation, we’ll use self signed certificate created earlier
createCert: false
- Configuration for the volumeClaimTemplate for Elasticsearch statefulset. A customised storage class ’es-ais’ will be defined by Kustomize
accessModes: ["ReadWriteMany"]
storage: 50Gi
storageClassName: es-ais
- Mount the secret
- name: elastic-certificates
secretName: elastic-certificates
path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs
- Add configuration file elasticsearch.yaml. Enable transport TLS for internode encrypted communication and HTTP TLS for client encryped communication. Previously generated certificates are used, they are passed in from the mounted Secrets
elasticsearch.yml: |
xpack.security.enabled: true
xpack.security.transport.ssl.enabled: true
xpack.security.transport.ssl.verification_mode: certificate
xpack.security.transport.ssl.client_authentication: required
xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificates.p12
xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificates.p12
xpack.security.http.ssl.enabled: true
xpack.security.http.ssl.keystore.path: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/certs/elastic-certificates.p12
- Map secrets into the keystore
- secretName: transport-ssl-keystore-password
- secretName: transport-ssl-truststore-password
- secretName: http-ssl-keystore-password
- Supply extra environment varialbes.
value: Changeme
Kustomize for Elasticsearch
- Create Kustomize file kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- all.yaml
- storageclass.yaml
- secrets.yaml
- Create storageclass.yaml as referenced above. Below is the example when using AWS EFS as the persistent storage. You can adjust to suit your storage infrastructure.
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
name: es-ais
provisioner: efs.csi.aws.com
- tls
provisioningMode: efs-ap
fileSystemId: YourEFSFileSystemId
directoryPerms: "1000"
- Create secrets.yaml as referenced. Secrets created are used in the custom values file
apiVersion: v1
elastic-certificates.p12: CopyAndPasteValueOf-elastic-certificates-base64
kind: Secret
name: elastic-certificates
namespace: efk
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
xpack.security.transport.ssl.keystore.secure_password: CopyAndPasteValueOf-store-password-base64
kind: Secret
name: transport-ssl-keystore-password
namespace: efk
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
xpack.security.transport.ssl.truststore.secure_password: CopyAndPasteValueOf-store-password-base64
kind: Secret
name: transport-ssl-truststore-password
namespace: efk
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
xpack.security.http.ssl.keystore.secure_password: CopyAndPasteValueOf-store-password-base64
kind: Secret
name: http-ssl-keystore-password
namespace: efk
type: Opaque
Install Elasticsearch Helm chart
Change to where your Kustomize directory for Elasticsearch and run
$ helm upgrade -i -n efk es elastic/elasticsearch -f YourCustomValueDir/elasticsearch.yml --post-renderer ./kustomize
Wait till you will see all elasticsearch pods are in “running” status
$ kubectl get po -n efk -l app=elasticsearch-master
Install Kibana
Kibana enables the visual analysis of data from Elasticsearch indecies. In this guide, we use single instance.
Create Helm custom values file kibana.yaml
- Specify the URL to connect to Elasticsearch. We use the service name and port configured in Elaticsearch
elasticsearchHosts: "https://elasticsearch-master:9200"
- Specify the protocol for Kibana’s readiness check
protocol: https
- Add below kibana.yml configuration file that enables Kinana to talk to Elasticsearch on encrypted connection. For xpack.security.encryptionKey, you can use any text string that is at least 32 characters. Certificates are mounted from the secret resource
kibana.yml: |
enabled: true
key: /usr/share/kibana/config/certs/elastic-certificate.pem
certificate: /usr/share/kibana/config/certs/elastic-certificate.pem
xpack.security.encryptionKey: Changeme
certificateAuthorities: /usr/share/kibana/config/certs/elastic-ca-cert.pem
verificationMode: certificate
elasticsearch.hosts: https://elasticsearch-master:9200
- Supply PEM formated Elastic certificate. These certificates will be used in kibana.yml in previous step
- name: elastic-certificates-pem
secretName: elastic-certificates-pem
path: /usr/share/kibana/config/certs
- Configure extra environment variables to pass to Kibana container on starting up.
name: kibana
key: encryptionkey
value: elastic
value: changeme
- We expose Kibana as the NodePort service.
type: NodePort
Kustomize for Kibana
- Define Secrets that is used in kibana.yml
apiVersion: v1
# use base64 format of values of elasticsearch's elastic-certificate.pem and elastic-ca-cert.pem
elastic-certificate.pem: Changeme
elastic-ca-cert.pem: Changme
kind: Secret
name: elastic-certificates-pem
namespace: efk
type: Opaque
apiVersion: v1
# use base64 format of the value you use for xpack.security.encryptionKey
encryptionkey: Changeme
kind: Secret
name: kibana
namespace: efk
type: Opaque
- Optional: create an Ingress resource to point to the Kibana serivce
Install/update the Kibana chart
Change to where your Kustomize directory for Kibana and run
$ helm upgrade -i -n efk kibana elastic/kibana -f YourCustomValueDirForKibana/kibana.yml --post-renderer ./kustomize
Wait till you will see the kibana pod is in “running” status
$ kubectl get po -n efk -l app=kibana
Install Fluentd
Create a custom Helm values file fluentd.yaml
- Specify where to output the logs
host: elasticsearch-master
Kustomize for Fluentd
- Create a ConfigMap that includes all Fluentd configuration files as below or you can use your own configuration files.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: fluentd-config
01_sources.conf: |-
## logs from podman
@type tail
@id in_tail_container_logs
# path /var/log/containers/*.log
path /var/log/containers/*.log
pos_file /var/log/fluentd-containers.log.pos
tag kubernetes.*
read_from_head true
@type multi_format
format json
time_key time
time_type string
time_format "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ"
keep_time_key true
format regexp
expression /^(?<time>.+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr)( (.))? (?<log>.*)$/
time_format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ'
keep_time_key true
emit_unmatched_lines true
02_filters.conf: |-
<match kubernetes.var.log.containers.fluentd**>
@type relabel
@label @FLUENT_LOG
<match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_kube-system_**>
@type null
@id ignore_kube_system_logs
<match kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_efk_**>
@type null
@id ignore_efk_stack_logs
<filter kubernetes.**>
@type kubernetes_metadata
@id filter_kube_metadata
skip_labels true
skip_container_metadata true
skip_namespace_metadata true
skip_master_url true
<match **>
@type relabel
@label @DISPATCH
03_dispatch.conf: |-
<label @DISPATCH>
<filter **>
@type prometheus
name fluentd_input_status_num_records_total
type counter
desc The total number of incoming records
tag ${tag}
hostname ${hostname}
<match **>
@type relabel
@label @OUTPUT
04_outputs.conf: |-
<label @OUTPUT>
<match kubernetes.**>
@id detect_exception
@type detect_exceptions
remove_tag_prefix kubernetes
message log
multiline_flush_interval 3
max_bytes 500000
max_lines 1000
<match **>
@type copy
@type stdout
@type elasticsearch
host "elasticsearch-master"
port 9200
path ""
user elastic
password Changeme
index_name ais.${tag}.%Y%m%d
scheme https
# set to false for self-signed cert
ssl_verify false
# supply El's ca certificat if it's trusted
# ca_file /tmp/elastic-ca-cert.pem
ssl_version TLSv1_2
<buffer tag, time>
# timekey 3600 # 1 hour time slice
timekey 60 # 1 min time slice
timekey_wait 10
Install/update the Fluentd chart
Change to where your Kustomize directory for Fluentd and run
$ helm upgrade -i -n efk fluentd fluent/fluentd --values YourCustomValueDirForFluentd/fluentd.yml --post-renderer ./kustomize
Fluentd is created using Daemonset which ensure a Fluentd pod is created on each worker node. Wait till you will see the fluentd pods are in “running” status
$ kubectl get po -l app.kubernetes.io/name=fluentd -n efk
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