Technical Documentation

This section contains technical and infrastructure documentation.


Due to the number of systems and audiences involved, the current documentation plan is for the canonical documentation to be within the Github repository, using GitHub pages.

This provides a number of easy to use tools and systems to help keep standardised, versions and readable documentation.


  • Main AIS documentation to be at the top level
  • Each repository will self document under the generic /docs/ folder/
  • Using Hugo module mounts the documentation for each repository will be integrated into the main documentation.
    • Documentation from each repository is effectively mounted in a virtual file tree where the documentation is then generated from. See the hugo docs for more info.


  • Should be written in Markdown
  • Should be in a directory called docs in the top level of each repository. We have chosen this methodology as it allows for versioned documentation that matches the code base.
  • Either add themselves to the main site or ask an administrator to add them.


Top level overview of the AIS repositories


Show your user how to work through some end to end examples.